Event Specifics


The Key Element of Baseball is the batter. Regardless of the league baseball always requires a batter. In Carrejoue, no distinction is made in the play of the game for which team the batter is on. The batters of both teams will deliver Defined Results to your game card. It does not take long to see how this works.


Special Results do not play in Advertising/Promotional Games at this time. Special Results are shown as RED in color for the Defined Result. For more information on Special Results, see Baseball Defined Results for Carrejoue, here.

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N, G, O, K, X, F, W, P

INFIELD FLY (N)   | GROUND OUT (G)   | OUTFIELD OUT (O)   | STRIKEOUT (K,K)   | EXTRA BASES (X,X)   | FIRST (F)                 | WALK (W)   | PITCH ERROR (P)
Pop Up Ground Out Fly Out K, Put Out Double Single Hit By Pitch
Line Out Sacrifice Bunt Line Out Called**(K) Triple Error - All Safe K, No Put Out
Infield Fly Rule Fielder's Choice Sacrifice Fly Swinging Home Run**(X) Fielder's Choice Catcher's Interference
Line Double Play Ground Double Play Infield Fly Rule Foul Tip Caught
Pop Up Double Play Ground Triple Play Ground Out Bunt Foul
Line Triple Play Fielder's Choice
Pop Up Triple Play Double Play Batted Ball
Triple Play Batted Ball

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N, O, K, X, F, W

INFIELD OUT (N)   | OUTFIELD OUT (O)   | STRIKEOUT (K,K)   | EXTRA BASES (X,X)   | FIRST (F)                 | WALK (W)
Pop Up Fly Out K, Put Out Double Single
Ground Out Ground Out Called**(K) Triple Hit By Pitch
Line Out Line Out Swinging Home Run**(X) Error - All Safe
Sacrifice Bunt Sacrifice Fly Foul Tip Caught K, No Put Out
Fielder’s Choice Fielder's Choice Bunt Foul Catcher’s Interference
Infield Fly Rule Infield Fly Rule Fielder's Choice
Double Play Batted Ball Double Play Batted Ball
Triple Play Batted Ball Triple Play Batted Ball

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O, K, X, F

Pop Up K, Put Out Double Single
Ground Out Called**(K) Triple Hit By Pitch
Line Out Swinging Home Run**(X) Error - All Safe
Sacrifice Bunt Foul Tip Caught K, No Put Out
Fielder’s Choice Bunt Foul Catcher’s Interference
Infield Fly Rule Fielder's Choice
Fly Out Walk
Sacrifice Fly
Double Play Batted Ball
Triple Play Batted Ball

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- “F” Defined Results -

Single – the batter reaches first without an error by the defense. This may include the batter making it to first safely and then trying to take extra bases wherein the batter is thrown out. The batter gets credit for a single and this would correspond with an “F” defined result in CARREJOUE for both 4-FACTOR and 6-FACTOR games. The “F” result would also apply if the batter and base runner made it safe to their next base, but was subsequently thrown out trying to get extra bases.

Strikeout (K), no put out – the batter reaches first in a very unusual play and it is recorded as an “F” defined result in CARREJOUE, both 4-FACTOR and 6-FACTOR. In this unusual play, the pitcher gets credit for a strikeout, but not a put out. It happens when the batter strikes out, but the catcher cannot field the ball cleanly either by dropping the ball, not catching the ball or the ball is pitched into the dirt. If this happens, the batter may attempt to reach first safely before being tagged out or thrown out.

Catcher’s Interference – the batter is awarded first base, if their bat hits the catcher’s mitt while the batter is in the batter’s box. This is an error on the catcher and an “F” defined result in CARREJOUE both 4-FACTOR and 6-FACTOR.

- “X” Defined Results -

Double – the batter reaches second without an error by the defense. This may include the batter reaching second safely and then getting thrown out at third. The batter gets credit for a double and this would correspond with an “X” defined result in CARREJOUE both 4-FACTOR and 6-FACTOR.

Triple – the batter reaches third without an error by the defense. This may include the batter reaching third safely and then getting thrown out at home. The batter gets credit for a triple and this would correspond with an “X” defined result in CARREJOUE both 4-FACTOR and 6-FACTOR.

- “N” and “O” Defined Results -

Force out or Fielder’s Choice Out Recorded – the batter ends up on first, but the defense got a base runner out. The batter does not get credit for a hit. This would correspond with an “O” in CARREJOUE 4-factor and an “N” or "O" in CARREJOUE 6-factor.

Fielder's Choice No Out Recorded - the batter ends up on first and all the baserunners made it safe to their next base. The batter does not get credit for a hit, nor is the defense charged with an Error. This would create a defined result of "F" in CARREJOUE, both 4-factor and 6-Factor.

Double Play Batted Ball – the batter would not get credited for a hit even if they made it to first. In an unusual play, sometimes two baserunners are thrown out in a Double Play and there would be no result for CARREJOUE, since the batter is still at bat.

Sacrifice Bunt – A sacrifice bunt result means an out occurred, otherwise the defined result would be a hit (F) or an error (F), if everyone is safe. Since someone got out, the defined result would be an (O) in 4-Factor or an (N) in 6-factor.

Pop Up, Line Out, or Fly Out – The defined result will be an “O” CARREJOUE 4-factor. However, in CARREJOUE 6-factor the defined result will be an “N” if an infielder makes the play and an “O” if an outfielder makes the catch.

- “K” Defined Result -

Strikeout (K), Put Out – the pitcher is recorded a strikeout, but the catcher or first baseman is usually recorded the put out. This occurs when, on the third strike, the catcher drops the ball, cannot catch the ball or misses the ball completely. The batter may try to run to first before being tagged or thrown out. It is a “K” or “C” defined result in CARREJOUE both 4-factor and 6-factor.

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